N.E. Miles Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC) Research Proposal
Faculty and students who wish to conduct research at the Miles ECDC should submit this form for pre-approval prior to submitting a proposal to the College of Charleston Institutional Review Board (IRB).
Contact Information
Department or Affiliation:
Name of Faculty Sponsor (if investigator is a student)
Title of Proposal
Proposal Start Date
Proposal End Date
If research is being conducted to meet a course or program (e.g. thesis) requirement, please explain:
Desired participants: (number of individuals in each category)
Number of Children
Two years old
Three years old
Four years old
Five years old
Number of Teacher(s)
Number of Parent(s)
Other: please explain
Center Facilities or accommodations needed:
What days/times do you request to conduct your research?
Requirements for investigators:
1. All research investigations require individual consent(s) to be obtained from parents.
2. Investigators conducting research from observation booths only must provide photo ID and proof of institutional affiliation.
3. Researchers involved in one-on one or group interactions with children (supervised or unsupervised) must have the following documentation prior to commencement of the study (original documents are required: ECDC can provide necessary forms):
a. Proof of current negative TB test
b. Approved Central Registry Check (DSS form #2924)
c. FBI and SLED Clearance (fingerprints and criminal record check).
Required attachments to this proposal:
• Completed Institutional Review Board Research Proposal/Application
• If investigator is a student, a statement from faculty advisor indicating support for the project
• If project is receiving funding, a description of any required information to be supplied by ECDC
After approval of this proposal, the research investigator will be provided with a letter signed by the ECDC program director indicating permission to conduct research at the center. NOTE: Approval of this proposal does not imply or guarantee IRB approval of the project.
Compatibility with ECDC program mission:
Please answer the 2 questions following, describing how the focus of your research will contribute to: (a) advancing the early childhood education knowledge base and/or (b) contribute to ECDC program improvement:
Please check box below that best describes goal(s) of your study:
Generate new knowledge
Challenge existing knowledge
Confirm existing knowledge
Inform early child education practices and/or pedagogy
Please choose from the topics below the area most closely related to the focus of your study and briefly describe if/how ECDC might benefit from your findings
Child Development – General
Child Development-Specific to Particular Domain)
Early Childhood Curriculum
Early Childhood Policy/Advocacy
Early Childhood Learning Environments